Worship Assist Opportunities
Acolytes should be in the Acolyte Room 10 minutes before the start of worship. Please make sure that you are robed and ready to go before worship starts.
• Make sure your robe fits, and your belt is tied. If you need help the ushers will be happy to help you. • Once your wick is lit watch it while you are walking down the center isle to make sure that your candle stays lit. Add the appropriate wick as you need to help it stay lit. • As a sign of respect we ask that you would pause on the first platform for a second before going up to the altar and on your way down from the altar. • If there is a baptism the usher will instruct you to light the baptismal candle. You can tell there is a baptism by the blue banner on the back wall. • When to go to get ready to put out the candles: • Watch the bulletin for whatever is right before the last hymn. Quietly go out before the hymn is done and an usher will help get your ready. • When putting out the candle you don’t have to force the snuffer onto the candle top. Just hold it over the lit candle and it will snuff out. |
In the week prior to reading, pick up copy of text from the church office from the drawer in the office marked “Family Service Groups” or have the secretary email them to you.
• Double check with pastor or office staff if you have any questions about the text or the worship service. • Check pronunciation of difficult words ahead of time using dictionary, computer or the pastor. • Pray in preparation to reading that God’s Word and the Holy Spirit may lead all to faith. • Read slowly and with appropriate volume. • Use good voice inflection without drawing attention to yourself. The reading need not be “dramatic”. God’s Word is the object of our attention. • Introduce text using chapter and verse. Example: “The first reading is from Isaiah chapter 55”. It is not necessary to read the number of verses included in the text. • Conclude each reading using the words, “Here ends the reading”. |
Each Holy Communion service requires three lay servers to assist the Pastor with the Lord’s Supper.
• During worship service, come forward and receive Holy Communion after the words of institution and Lord’s Prayer. Once you have received the body and blood of Christ, you will be handed elements for serving—either the bread or the wine. • In speaking the words, “This is the body of Christ, given for you” and “This is the blood of Christ, shed for you” you proclaim Christ’s forgiving presence in the bread and wine. • Here at South Santiago we offer first communion to those in sixth grade and above. When someone comes forward and you are not sure of their age, it is proper to discreetly ask if they receive the Lord’s Supper. Since practices differ from one church to another, it is likely that someone younger than grade six may come to take communion—they may be visiting us for the day. It is proper for them to come to the Lord’s Table here as well. • Small children may come forward for a blessing. Most of the time, they are eager receive something as their parents/older siblings take communion. Pastor usually says, “By the waters of your baptism, the Lord has promised to bless you and keep you”. Anyone may offer a blessing in this fashion. |
Be at the Church 45 minutes before service and unlock front doors, turn on lights, sound system, and check that building temperature controls are set properly for worship. There is a detailed listing of duties in the walk-in closet in the narthex area. Greeters: • Be at church ½ hour before service begins. • Find your name in Family Service Group drawer in office and put in name tag holder. • Stand by front door and greet everyone as they enter and pass out weekly bulletins and other information. • Smile!! Show everyone how important they are and how glad you are they came to worship with us! |
Coffee Hour Hosting
and fellowship snacks: We gather together for fellowship and coffee after each worship service. You may bring snacks to share and/or serve in the kitchen area during those times. There is a listing of set-up and cleanup instructions in the kitchen area for all to view. |